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Gaviti Data Files FAQ
Updated over a week ago

Q: What should I do if there are duplicate IDs in my data?

A: Gaviti can ignore the duplicates and only take the first record from the file.

Q: What are the required fields for customer data and invoice data?

A: For customer data, only the 'id' field is required. For invoice data, the following fields are required: 'id', 'customerId', 'dueDate', 'balance', 'totalAmount', and 'currency'. If the invoice currency is different than the company's currency, the currency field must also be provided.

Q: What happens if required fields are empty or corrupted?

A: If required fields are provided with a zero value or no value, or if any field is corrupted, the file will not be validated and uploaded.

Q: What is mapping and how does it work in Gaviti?

A: Mapping is the process of establishing a relationship between two sources by naming their fields. For example, if the customer ID field in the customer file provided is named 'Customer number', but in Gaviti it is named 'id', the mapping process will set this relationship. If the provided fields cannot be named as Gaviti expects, Gaviti can be set to map the given fields to its own.

Q: I can't send my data through API or SFTP, is there an alternative?
A: Certainly. Gaviti can provide you with a dedicated email service that will allow you to send us your customer, invoice and invoice attachment files in a safe and secure manner.

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